Wednesday, May 12, 2010

News That Matters - Borkowski - Out of the Senate and Into the Assembly

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Well, that's it then. former Southeast justice and past candidate for the State Senate, Jim Borkowski, has just announced that he's now - officially - running for the State Assembly seat being vacated by part-time Assemblyman and full time demagogue Greg Ball.

You will notice, however, that his intentions of running for the Assembly are not about good governance and representation but all about "party unity". When a candidate places his party over that of the general welfare of the populace he's lost my vote - and hopefully yours, too. (Unless you also believe your political party is more important than your neighbors and good government.)

Nevertheless, here is his press release:
Southeast, NY – Former Southeast Town Justice Jim Borkowski, who just last month announced his intention to run for State Senate, has announced that he will instead seek election to an open seat in the State Assembly. Borkowski’s announcement, which was made before a meeting of the Southeast Republican Town Committee, was met with a standing ovation.

“Everything is on the line this year. We [Republicans] must take back the New York State Senate.” Borkowski told those gathered. “My participation in a three-way Primary will only forestall a strong General Election campaign to defeat the Democrats, thereby damaging our chances of retaking the New York State Senate. For the good of our State and the Republican Party, I have decided not to run for the Senate, and to instead seek election to the New York State Assembly.”

“Whether it is a seat in the State Senate or the Assembly, I am running for the legislature because now, more than ever before, we need some straight talk and honest change in Albany,” said Borkowski.

Southeast Republican Party Chairman James DiBella immediately threw his support behind Borkowski:

“Jim is the most qualified, most dynamic, best prepared and hardest working candidate we, as Republicans, could ask for. I’m thrilled that he’s decided to run for the Assembly. I support him 110% and can say with confidence that he will be the next Assemblyman from the 99th district.”

Borkowski was also endorsed by the Chairman of the Somers Republican Party, Jim Chisholm, who said:

“I’ve seen Jim Borkowski in action and he’s a winner. Not only does he stand up for the values of the Republican Party, he also understands what it means to be a good Republican. His record as a tough, no nonsense prosecutor and judge has prepared him to take on the Albany establishment. I am honored to endorse him and I’m prepared to do everything I can to assist his campaign.”

Remember, you read it at News That Matters first.

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