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“If anybody's life or anybody's property was in jeopardy or if anybody was in imminent fear or imminent danger of being injured by blasting, we would be the first ones, I would be the first one to go out there and stop the project." - Carmel Supervisor, Ken Schmitt - August 11, 2009 Good Wednesday Morning, It's rumored that Alana Sweeney, wife of Judge John W. Sweeney, is running for County Executive. Can someone verify that for me? Thanks. While we're on that subject, is anyone challenging the current town board and Supervisor in Kent? The Journal News reports that a disarmed drone missile on its way to a museum in West Virginia was stopped in Ossining by local police, no doubt out of jealousy. But the article also says it was picked up in Putnam Valley! If anyone knows what this is about, how a missile got to Putnam Valley and who had it please let me know. Battling for Leibell "When I resisted, he threatened not to pay me unless I complied with his request and told me that I would be fired as Putnam county attorney. Mr. Leibell told me that I should not 'piss on Santa's boots,' " - Carl Lodes The battle over former state Senator Leibell's future is being played out in public these days, mostly in the letters column of our newspapers. While dozens have written the judge for leniency, the writer's saying, in essence, that they support government corruption, the letters in the media are a lot less forgiving. See this, and this and this. Blast! If you live in the Town of Carmel, there's a public hearing at 7PM this evening on their new proposed blasting ordinance that we wrote about a couple of weeks back. The difference between the originally proposed ordinance and the one that will be talked about this evening is virtually nil. On the other hand, the Town of Amherst, NY has a blasting code that is a model document which actually protects life and property while the one in Carmel, well... it's Carmel. 'nuff said. The hearing begins at 7PM at the Carmel Town Hall and you should be there. For more information on the ordinance and the differences between the old and the new, see News That Matters from May 2 and scroll down about 1/3 of the way. To see even more, see, "More Blasting in Carmel". Sorry, I Must Have Forgotten. Back during the campaign for State Senate both candidates signed a pledge to support independent redistricting. The candidate who won has now backed off on that pledge and would prefer that the process of maintaining this district as a Republican district and that district as a Democrat district continue on until we're all neatly placed into one or the other - for life. The first paragraph of the Pledge reads: "I _____________ pledge that if I am elected to the Legislature of New York State, I will support the creation of an independent, non-partisan Redistricting Commission to draft advisory maps for the Legislature to review and approve. Further, I will vote "no" on any proposal to establish a Commission that is not independent..."It's singed and sealed by the Senator Who Shall Not Be Named and dated July 22, 2010, barely a year ago. But the Senator has forgotten! There's a demonstration and rally today in Peekskill at noon at Pugsley Park (Main Street between Division and N. James) to remind him of that pledge. Here's a link to a map if you can make it. Where's Nan VII? I have no idea! And if you visit her taxpayer funded congressional website and look under the "solutions" tab you'll find a list of issues from National Defense to Small Businesses. And when you click on one to find out her solution you're told to contact her office in Washington, D.C. But we already *are* at her office in Washington, D.C. when we're on her congressional website. The question is: why is she afraid to write out her positions on issues? Here's a Letter to the Editor about Ms. Hayworth that's worth a quick read: "Nan Hayworth defends her record and claims robust dialogue is possible. Sadly nothing is farther from the truth and her voting record proves she has voted strictly along the Republican party line on all issues that increases the wealth of corporate privatization on the backs of the the aged, the poor and the workers of America. No Ride List If New York Senator Chuck Schumer gets his way, you'll be frisked, probed, groped and shoeless upon entering an Amtrak train and if your name is on a list you won't get on at all. (We'll talk about the validity of the 'list' under separate cover.) And if you think this will end at Amtrak, think again! Soon enough it will be Metro North, local buses and who knows what else. The solution is obvious: Every American will report to a special center where they will be probed and investigated and if they pass will be given a numerical tattoo on their forearm made with magnetic ink, that can be read like your EZ-Pass. Those who do not pass will have a chip embedded under their scalp so they can be tracked by satellite. This will ensure your safety. Homeland Security promises. Fat, Fat! Fatty Fat FAT! See this Chart: And now see this chart: These two charts from the CDC show the rate of obesity in the United States over a single generation. Packaged foods, an overabundance of corn sugars and red meats, a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of physical exercise are the leading causes of obesity. And it kills! This year 400,000 Americans will die because they're lazy. There's lots of blame to go around and I'll put my finger squarely on Madison Avenue and the Fat Food industry. So let's see: We make you fat so the corporate farms (who collect billions in Federal support) and their attendant industries gets rich as you spend your money on soda, cookies, sugar-laden breakfast foods, and triple-bacon-cheese-burgers. Then once you're fat the health care industry gets you. If you're of a hefty size small, efficient cars (low profit) are simply impossible to get in and out of so you need larger cars (larger profits) and they suck more gas so Exxon can have another $10.7 billion quarter. And when you're larger and don't get any exercise you're cold all the time so you turn up the thermostats thus using more fossil fuels making the Arabs wealthier. There's a pattern here that's as clear as day: US Style Capitalism makes you sick by design and then shakes you down. Otherwise, why would white bread be less expensive than whole wheat? The foods that make and keep you healthy are unaffordable. What makes you fat and sick is cheap! So, cut out the corn syrup and fructose, save Mickey D's for once a month, walk to the school bus instead of driving your kid the few hundred yards and get the hell out of the house and take a walk. It's true: healthy, frugal and sensible people are a danger to Capitalism! But being healthy, frugal and sensible is the best way to undermine the system. And now, The News:
Community remembers Hazel Dickens through music, memoriesPRINCETON — The fiddles cried a long, lonesome tune through the hills of West Virginia Tuesday, as Mercer County's own world-class folk singer/songwriter Hazel Dickens was brought home to be laid to rest in Princeton.Dickens, who was born in Montcalm in 1935, died April 22, at a Hospice near her longtime Georgetown, Md. home, of complications from pneumonia. Revered throughout the bluegrass, traditional acoustic and folk music worlds for her unmistakably raw mountain voice and her powerfully candid songs standing up for the rights of women, laborers and the impoverished, she had traveled the country and the world playing the music she learned to play as a child growing up deep in a Mercer County hollow. Her death was reported by national media outlets including the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post and NPR's 'All Things Considered,' reflecting the great respect she had gained throughout her award-winning career in the music. “We all know much about Hazel's musical achievements,” said Ken Irwin, co-founder of the label on which Dickens recorded, Rounder Records, who spoke at the funeral service held at Seaver Funeral Home. “There were many awards, and there will be lots more later on. Her loss leaves gaping holes in the areas of music that she touched, and holes in our hearts and souls that will not be easily mended. Perhaps they will never be entirely mended, and they needn't be, because with her warmth and sense of humor and love, Hazel touched us and reminded us of the best of ourselves as human beings.” Irwin, a close friend of Dickens' who traveled many roads with her throughout her musical career went on to share fond memories of the unassuming singer's flair for “commanding attention” with her big voice and her unapologetically outspoken songs that purposefully gave a voice to the downtrodden. Read More Better fuel standards would save Americans $67 billion at the pump each summerThe average family would save $513 in just three monthsOn May 5th, Environment America and the Sierra Club released a joint report, Summer Gas Prices: Beating the Heat with Clean Cars, that evaluates the impact of higher federal fuel efficiency standards for automobiles. CAP’s Valeri Vasquez and Junayd Mahmood have the story The timing of the study couldn’t be more appropriate; on the brink of vacation season, gas prices are reaching new highs every day. Meanwhile, the average U.S. passenger car only gets a disappointing 23 miles per gallon. The study is aimed at influencing the latest round of fuel efficiency standards for 2017-2025. The Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency are considering raising corporate average fuel economy, or CAFE, standards to between 47 and 62 miles per gallon for 2025. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or NHTSA, automakers are already fully capable of achieving 60mpg using existing technologies and polls show overwhelming public support for the higher standard. Researchers used gas prices from April 25th and historical driving patterns to estimate the impact of a 60 mpg standard on summer gasoline savings. The report found that Americans would save an estimated $67 billion and use 17 billion fewer barrels of oil during this year’s three peak summer driving months of June, July, and August if the standard were enacted today. The study finds: The average American family would save $513 in just three months.Read More The Clean Energy TransitionBy Melissa EverettOpening remarks at Green Economy panel of Clearwater's Indian Point Technical Briefing, April 25, 2011, Desmond Fish Library, Garrison, NY: Good afternoon. I have the honor of being your guide out of the scary stuff and into the hopeful aspect of the challenge before us, the path of action that can make the Hudson River Corridor a safer and more secure place, and the economic opportunities that could be created by means of a clean energy economy. Shortly I’ll introduce a couple of expert speakers, and a hands-on panel of innovators, to brief you in more detail. First, let me set the stage. One growth area for green jobs, today, is in the world of think tanks making sense of the opportunities and building scenarios to move us forward. Because this advance work has been done, we have a foundation to build on in terms of possibilities, as three examples show: • Mark Z. Jacobson and Mark Delucchi, in Scientific American (2009) laid out a global scenario for meeting the planet’s energy needs entirely with efficiency and renewables by 2030. They calculated global demand, and then charted a pathway for meeting it entirely with wind, water and sunlight in all their forms, including geothermal and renewably charged hydrogen fuel cells for transportation and industry. It can be done, but it won’t be done by baby steps. They’re talking about 3,800,000 wind turbines; 900 hydro plants; 490,000 tidal turbines, 5,350 geothermal plants; 1.7 billion (with a “b”) solar collectors and 100,000 solar power plants of various types. This would be a transformation of the built environment and the economy - the kind of great goal that occasionally brings people together. On the good days. Read More Denmark tops list of clean technology producers; China is No. 2; US at 17 is rapidly expandingAMSTERDAM — Denmark earns the biggest share of its national revenue from producing windmills and other clean technologies, the United States is rapidly expanding its clean-tech sector, but no country can match China’s pace of growth, according to a new report obtained by The Associated Press. China’s production of green technologies has grown by a remarkable 77 per cent a year, according to the report, which was commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and which will be unveiled on Monday at an industry conference in Amsterdam. “The Chinese have made, on the political level, a conscious decision to capture this market and to develop this market aggressively,” said Donald Pols, an economist with the WWF. Denmark, a longtime leader in wind energy, derives 3.1 percent of its gross domestic product from renewable energy technology and energy efficiency, or about euro6.5 billion ($9.4 billion), the report said. Read More Public support for alternative energy transcends political barriers |
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