"From the fight for women's suffrage to the struggle for civil rights, New Yorkers have been on the right side of history. Indeed New Yorkers have made history. But on the issue of marriage equality, New York has fallen behind." -- Governor Andrew Cuomo Good Friday Morning, In an editorial this morning, the Poughkeepsie Journal joined the long and growing list of people, organizations and media outlets that have endorsed Marriage Equality in New York State. If you have done the same (and if you're reading you'd had better!) you need to call your State Senator and tell him to get on the bandwagon. There can be no fence-sitters when it comes to civil rights. Take five minutes *TODAY* and call The Senator Who Shall Not Be Named at: 845-279-3773 and tell him you support and endorse equal rights for all New Yorkers and that you expect him to do the same. If you've not yet called, now is the time. If you've called in the past, call again as a reminder. Where are your speculators now, huh? The price of gasoline has declined a nickel at my local GasMart. And one must wonder: we hear all this news about "speculators" but the moment the government announces it's going to investigate the price comes down? Here's what's really happening: The fossil fuel companies gouge the shit out of you to earn massive profits and everyone, from them to the talking heads to the government blames some outside, unseen force to deflect responsibility away from the gougers. And when the government thinks they've earned enough and the high prices begin to have a negative effect on the overall economy they let the companies know by saying, "We're going to investigate!" which is the signal to back off. They don't investigate anything. I mean, why investigate what you already know to be true? But it serves the public relations agenda, makes Joe Sixpack think the government gives a shit and gives politicians populist talking points come election time. So they back off - but prices remain substantially higher than after the last round of price gouging - and the record profits continue unabated while you have to make the decision between food and gasoline. The solution is an easy one: nationalize the energy industry. Or, barring that, stop Nan Hayworth from voting (again) to give $12 BILLION in taxpayer funded handouts to the Oil Giants and put that money instead into alternatives to fossil fuels, conservation and a new, renewable energy industry. Oh, my bad. This is America! None of that is going to happen until we start eating oil company executives in front of their families and even then, we'll probably just get a bad case of indigestion and continue on as we have all along. Pass the Pepto Bismol. please. Some Notes: - We are drowning in a sea of pollen and my life preserver has failed.
- The State Senate's "Fuel Holiday" bill is an insult to our collective intelligence. It's almost as vacuous an idea as the 'tax cap'.
- Did anyone catch Spring as it went by? I blinked and missed it.
- Why have the Carmel Dems refused every offer for candidates?
- And while we're on it, Maryellen Odell said she does not like "coronations". So why are county Democrats rolling out the red carpet?
- For some reason I'm missing Richie today.
- Cathie Sloat and Lynne Eckardt announced they were running for the Southeast Town Board so Ms. Eckardt has resigned her role as chair of the County Party to be replaced by Carmel's Victor Grossman.
- My dog is a better predictor of thunderstorms than any meteorologist. Now, if I could just dis-attach him from my leg...
- The State of Vermont passes a state-wide single-payer health care system.
- Newt Gingrich! Okay, okay. Stop laughing.
- The Westboro Baptist Church plans to demonstrate at memorial services in Joplin, Mo.
- You got four more years of the USA PATRIOT Act coming your way. I guess that's the Change We Can Believe In!
On Winding Down: Reader Tom V wrote: "I'm so sorry to see you cease publication but at least I got to enjoy a tiny bit of your unique journalistic insight. I always got up in the morning looking forward to what was on your mid each day. I did not always agree with your position but you always made me think and I truly enjoy folks, papers and books that can do that for me." Reader PV wrote: "Of course I read yesterday's edition with dismay. But then I realized maybe you are feeling the same way I am lately-- that I've been working my ass off for people who basically don't give a shit what happens to them." Well, for one, I'm not so sure people don't give a shit but they are afraid to put their necks on the line for real change. For another, publication is not ceasing it's just not continuing on in the way it has in the past, is all. A welcome break and change and a morph to No Country For Sane Men (repaired link) is essential for everyone involved, especially me! Sonar. But not the kind you're thinking of: From the Environmental Notice Bulletin: Gipsy Trail Club in Kent: To control the spread of the invasive Eurasian watermilfoil, the applicant proposes to treat Pine Pond (Class B), including portions of the 100 foot adjacent areas of NYS Freshwater Wetlands LC-11 (Class II) and LC-12 (Class I) with the aquatic pesticides Sonar AS and Sonar One (active ingredient fluridone). Prior to treatment, Pine Pond will be lowered approximately 18 inches to ensure that chemically treated water is held within Pine Pond for as long as practicable prior to downstream release.
NY/NJTC Hike of the Week: Charcoal Burners/Cabot/Perkins/Fahnestock Trail Loop This loop hike traverses the northern section of the park, passing by three scenic ponds, following an attractive stream and skirting several open fields. At the height of the Yellow Trail as it traverses the Perkins open space is the best view in all of Putnam County. You'll not want to miss that! Time: 4 hours Difficulty: Moderate Length: 7.2 miles Park on the north side of Route 301 about 1 mile east of Dennytown Road then proceed north on the red-blazed Charcoal Burners Trail (named for the men who felled trees in the area during the nineteenth century and carefully burned them to make charcoal). The trail briefly parallels the road, then bears left and heads into the woods. Soon, you’ll reach the eastern end of the yellow-blazed Perkins Trail, but you should continue ahead on the red-blazed Charcoal Burners Trail. The relatively level trail passes through thickets of mountain laurel, with an understory of blueberry bushes. In about two-thirds of a mile, you’ll reach a cairn (rock pile) that marks the start of the white-blazed Cabot Trail. Turn left and follow the Cabot Trail, which descends gradually, reaching Jordan Pond in half a mile. Two short side trails lead down to the pond; the second trail (which leaves to the right just beyond the crossing of the pond’s inlet) reaches the shoreline at a rock ledge, with a broad view over the pond. A bench has been placed here for hikers to rest and contemplate the bucolic scene. Continue ahead on the Cabot Trail, which soon goes by a large rock outcrop and begins to ascend. After passing between old stone walls, the trail emerges onto a clearing. Bear left, following a white blaze on a metal post. Just beyond, the yellow-blazed Perkins Trail comes in from the left. The Cabot Trail ends here, and you should continue ahead on the yellow-blazed trail, briefly following a wide, grassy road. Read More
What's Going On? This Weekend: Friday, May 27 Arts on the Lake Fundraising Reception 7PM - 9PM - Join the wine and dessert reception at a special viewing of the Spring Art Exhibit and make your donation to help inaugurate the fund drive for improving the interior of our Arts Center. This summer necessary construction on the roof, siding, doors and windows of the Lake Carmel Cultural Center to secure and tighten the structure is being paid for by the previously announced $400,000 grant awarded to the Town of Kent for the Arts Center. While construction takes place on the shell of the building, we hope to work on the rooms we use so that upon return the performance/gallery space will have track lighting, appropriately flexible stage and seating, a higher ceiling and more functional bathrooms. These interior improvements are expected to cost about $30,000 and we must appeal to our friends and supporters so the work can be completed this summer. Whether in person, on-line or by mail, donations to the Building Fund assure Arts on the Lake’s continued growth and are fully tax-deductible. Please let us know if you plan to attend this fund-raising reception by emailing rsvp@artsonthelake.org or leaving a message at 845-228-2685. Uncommon Ground with guest Tim & Sylvia 8:30PM at the Towne Crier, Route 22 in Pawling. Uncommon Ground is a hot, pan-genre, acoustic music group from New York's Hudson Valley that is on a mission: to flex the boundaries of traditional music. Since making an impressive debut to a full house at the Towne Crier in 2007, they have continued their evolution into "the complete package" ... great vocals, fiery instrumental abilities and a continually evolving repertoire of well-crafted tunes. Their music bears an unmistakable stamp of originality without losing the authenticity of the original sources. Audiences delight in the thrill of musical discovery as the band performs a repertoire that includes music from such diverse sources as Bill Monroe, Gabriel Faure, Venezuelan Choros and Gypsy Jazz. Uncommon Ground draws on the talents of Mike Kobetitsch, and Wayne Fugate, both long-time veterans of the Bluegrass scene who have performed with Grammy award winner, Lisa Gutkin and a host of other noteworthies; the ever amazing Rachel Han! dman and Phil Helm, two principles in the Hudson Valley Philharmonic whose technical precision, fertile inventiveness, surprising touches and mastery of the Bluegrass genre give the band a distinctive, signature voice; and Craig Bitterman, whose percussion lays down a groove-infused rhythmic foundation that adds colors and textures that make their tunes really snap. :|: artist's home. $17.50 advance/ $22.50 door Saturday, May 28 Giant Book Sale at the Kent Public Library Take-A-Hike! Season Begins With The Birds of Foundry Preserve 8:30 to 10:30am - Join Constitution Marsh Audubon Center and Sanctuary Director Eric Lind for this birding hike in Foundry Preserve in Cold Spring. An accomplished wildlife photographer, Eric is just the person you want along to share his knowledge as you walk from the village to view a wide variety of species. Don't forget your binoculars! "We're excited to kick off this season with Eric's hike. Learning to identify birds by sight and sound is a great way to get back into the outdoors," says Outreach Director MJ Martin. "And we're grateful to all our volunteers who help lead the excursions for us; without them, this popular program would not be possible." A total of eight hikes have been scheduled for the season, with selections ranging from a tot-friendly musical jaunt to a more challenging trek up Breakneck Ridge. Check your mailboxes for the complete schedule. All Take-A-Hike! programs are free, but registration is required. Contact the HHLT office at 845/424-3358 or info@hhlt.org to make sure you're on the Take-A-Hike! mailing list. Pow Wow on the Hudson 11 AM - 6 PM. POWWOW ON THE HUDSON: Native American Indian drumming, dancing, food vendors, craft vendors, lectures and songs by Evan Pritchard (plus book signing), Salinas Family "Azteca Dancers", Joseph Fire Crow and Birds Of Prey. Learn sustainability from a 10,000 year old perspective. Bowdoin Park, 85 Sheafe Rd., Wappinger Falls. Tony Moonhawk (917) 415-5139. moonhawktitw@msn.com - Runs through Monday. Arts on the Lake Spring Art Exhibit 1 PM - 5PM - Over two hundred new works by forty artists will be on display in the 5th Annual Spring Art Exhibit, which conitnues through this weekend and Monday, 11PM - 5PM each day. This biggest, best and most exciting exhibit continues Sunday, and next weekend, Saturday through Monday, 1-5 each day.The featured artists include: Larry Alfano, Wendy Alvarez, Turizzo Anaya, Pallas Athene, Patricia Bolgosano, Taras Borovyk, Lesia Prokopiv Borovik, Keith Brooks, Margaret Brooks, Chris Casaburi, Michelina Compton, George Davison, Eric Ficinus, Toni Flynn, Pal Gyomai, Eleanor Haggerty, Kathleen Hoekstra, Michael Keropian, Deborah Lecce, Don Longabucco, Joan Maliniak, James McGuire, James Muleva, Jerry Michalak, Sharon Nakazato, Amanda O'Shaughnessy, Katherine Pacchiana, Ekaterina Piskareva, Lisa Pitt, Joseph Pizzuti, Michael Rossi, Rena Scelia, Mary Schreiber, Greg Solanto, Gerald Spette, Kimberley Standerwick, Matt Tannenbaum, Carina Tautu, Bill Ullman, Jamie Vogel, and Roy Volpe. at Lake Carmel Cultural Center | 640 Route 52 | Kent Lakes, NY Sunday, May 29 Ryder Farm Open House and Maypole Celebration 1PM - For children of all ages! Dancing at 2. Garden Tours, Hay Rides, Meet the new chicks (300 of them!!) Lemon aide and cookies. Also, the Farm Stand is Now Open with Many Varieties of Certified Organic Potted Plants from Ornamental Border Plants to Tomatoes and Many Other Vegetable, Flower and Herb Plants. Fresh Cut Vegetables are just beginning. Friend us at Face Book for an up to date Availability List at: Ryder Farm Organic Grower, 400 Starr Ridge Rd, Brewster, NY 10509. More information at www.RyderFarmOrganic.com or at Face Book: Ryder Farm Organic Grower - 845-279-4161 Here's a great video on what Ryder Farm does and the experience of its interns. Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day Brewster VFW Parade 11AM - Brewster VFW Post 672 will be holding a Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony in downtown Brewster. The parade will start at 11am at the Brewster Firehouse on North Main Street and will proceed down Main Street to Railroad Ave., and end at Veterans Park. Following the parade there will be a ceremony with keynote speaker Congresswoman Nan Hayworth who just voted to extend the war in Afghanistan. For more information call 845/279-6969 or email stvnmattson@gmail.com. Into The Future: Friday, June 3 Hike Huckleberry Ridge State Forest On Friday, June 3, 2011, representatives of the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference and the Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will meet at the trailhead for the Minisink Trail on Route 6 in Greenville to mark expansion of recreational trail opportunities in the region and the transfer to the state of 389 acres on the Shawangunk Ridge. The land is to be added to Huckleberry Ridge State Forest in Orange County. Following the 10am press event, take a hike on the Minisink and Lenape Ridge Trails in the company of experienced Trail Conference volunteers. (Directions to trailhead are here.) Click here to let us know you plan to come. Background: Just a decade ago, no state forest land existed on the Shawangunk Ridge in Orange County. With this transfer, Huckleberry Ridge State Forest now comprises nearly 1500 acres. The Trail Conference was instrumental in creating this state forest, working closely with the Trust for Public Land and DEC on the first 527-acre acquisition nearly a decade ago. The Trail Conference subsequently purchased an additional 980 acres in this region using funds from its Land Acquisition and Stewardship Fund (LASF). With this transfer, 958 of those acres will have been transferred to New York State, nearly tripling the size of the Huckleberry Ridge State Forest. Sheilah Rechtschaffer Green in Vietnam 6PM - 8PM Paintings and Pastels. Opening reception: BRC Gallery at the Bean Runner Cafe 201 South Division Street Peekskill, NY 10566 www.beanrunnercafe.com Exhibition dates: May 30 to July 24, 2011 Michelle LeBlanc Jazz Duo 7PM: Michelle LeBlanc with Tom Kohl on piano at the The Division Street Grill, 26 North Division Street, Peekskill NY 10566. Call for dinner reservations: 914 739 6380 www.DivisionStreetGrill.com Join us for an evening in my favorite small city at the jazz club that sparked the Peekskill jazz renaissance. Saturday, June 4 - National Trails Day NY/NJ Trails Conference Annual Meeting Bear Mountain State Park: On June 4, the Trail Conference will open a wheelchair accessible section of the Appalachian Trail on the summit of Bear Mountain. For the past year, Trail Conference volunteers have been hard at work building this ADA-compliant segment of this historic and nationally celebrated long-distance trail. The trail will allow wheelchair users to enter the woods and view the Hudson River and Valley from one of the region’s most scenic spots. At 10:30 AM, we will open and dedicate the trail. Later in the day, the Trail Conference will have its Summer Meeting on the lawn below Bear Mountain. There will be food and music by the acclaimed urban bluegrass group, Two Dollar Goat. The event is co-sponsored by Disney/ABC and the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Places. Members of the Disney team will be on hand to help. What's Happening When 8:00: Departure of early hike to summit of Bear Mountain from Fort Montgomery Historic Site (co-sponsored by Mid-Hudson ADK) 10:00: Morning refreshments at Trailhead of the ADA-compliant segment of the Appalachian Trail at summit of Bear Mountain 10:30: Opening ceremony and Dedication 10:45: Hike or drive down to Lawn (Options from easy to strenuous available) 12:00-varied: Lunch on the Lawn with Music by Two Dollar Goat. Hikers arrive from a variety of trails, eat, enjoy music. Rain or shine under tent! 1:30 (estimated): Meeting All programs are free! Lunch: $15 donation. RSVP for lunch by sending a check or going to our donation page. Please indicate your RSVP in the comment box. Questions, comments, or phone reservations, contact Joanne Reinhardt at jreinhardt@nynjtc.org or x26 at the office FrOGS Great Swamp Canoe Trips Each year Friends of the Great Swamp leads canoe trips on the East Branch Croton River into one of the largest wetlands in New York State. Join us on one of these enjoyable adventures into the Great swamp and experience this beautiful and valuable resource for yourself. As we enter this magical wilderness we will explore the biodiversity and learn more about the values of this nationally significant wetland. The Swamp provides critical habitat for aquatic species as well as for migrating and breeding birds. We have seen Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Prothonotary Warblers and Common yellowthroats as well as Wood Duck, Mallards and many, many more. There are Turtles, Dragonflies, some fantastic plants and possibly catch a glimpse of a mink or a muskrat. Explore the Swamp with FrOGS. Meet us at the Green Chimney’s Beach on Doansburg Road (formerly Putnam Lake Road) of Rte 22. FrOGS members will guide each trip and point out the birds and plants as we canoe. All levels of paddlers are welcome. We will provide canoes, paddles, Life jackets (bring your won if you wish) and a licensed Lifeguard. We suggest you bring bottled water, sunglasses and layered clothing to accommodate temperature changes. We will canoe rain or shine. In extreme conditions, we ask that you call for cancellation and rescheduling information. Reservations are a must and space is limited so get your reservations early! For information and reservations contact: Laurie Wallace at (845-279-8858) or Laurwally@aol.com subject: Canoe Trip $25.00 Adult Member, $12.00 Child (6 to 14 years) $29.00 Adult Non-member, $16.00 Child (6 to 14 years) Rain Barrel Building Workshop 10AM - Fishkill Town Hall. Sponsored by the Dutchess Watershed and Cornell Cooperative Extension Services. Although we don’t often think about it, storm water can play an enormous part in the condition of our rivers, creeks, ponds, lakes, and wetlands. When it rains, this water is usually channeled into storm drains to be taken to the closest body of water. As storm water travels across the grounds’ surface as runoff, it can pick up different types of pollutants, washing them into our water bodies. You can help! Rain barrels are a great option to better manage excess storm water from your roof. The water is captured before it picks up pollutants, and it is safe to use for watering plants. A rain barrel can save gardeners up to 1,300 gallons of water during the peak summer months! This workshop will help you learn to better manage storm water AND will help you build your own 55 gallon rain barrel to take home. Cost: $45 per person, includes cost of rain barrel. To Register: contact Angela Sullivan, 677-8223 x 114 Orange County Earth and Water Festival 11AM - 5PM- The OCWA is pleased to announce that the 4th Annual Earth and Water Festival will be held on Saturday, June 4, 2011 at Thomas Bull Memorial Park in Montgomery, NY. This unique festival is family-friendly, intimate, educational and of course, lots of fun! Stay an hour or stay all day. Bring a blanket, the kids and even your dog and enjoy the fresh air, listen to live music and entertaining performances by highly talented local musicians and peformers. Visit the Green Expo area at the festival and learn from many local vendors how they are making a difference by being "green" or what sustainable goods and services they provide. Buy fresh homemade bread, baked goods, produce and plants in the Farmers Market. Let the kids run wild in the Children's Activity tent (big festival favorite). Live performances this year are diverse, colorful, creative, fun and always entertaining. Returning this year by popular demand are: Arm-of-the-Sea Theater: Performing "To Fuel the Fire", a free-wheeling allegory about the ecological costs of energy. This tragic comedy features primordial masks and kinetic puppet figures, vivid paintings, whimsical props and live music. Their performances are award-winning and are a must see! You know it's good when a festival full of people stop to watch and listen. Click here to visit their website http://www.armofthesea.org/ Maxwell Kofi Donkor and the Sankofa Drum and Dance Ensamble: Their african drumming and dancing is interactive, makes your feet tap and people dance, and puts a smile on everyone's face. Click here to visit their website http://www.bak2roots.com/ "iS"coustic: This unusual, three piece jam band delivers live performances to electrify audiences. The bands name, which loosely means "the present tense" emphasizes their improvisational nature. They offer a unique experience that includes original diverse, memorable songs and exceptional musicianship. Click here to visit their website http://whatitis.biz/ Snakeman's Snake Show: Their performance will teach the audience about the environment and how snakes provide their part for the balance of nature. Their show is both interactive and hands-on with real live snakes, which will educate as well as entertain you. They will be at the festival all day and will do a special performance on the stage for everyone to enjoy! Click here to visit their website http://www.jerrythesnakeman.com/ New to the stage this year are Half Jester and Little Sparrow. These bands will delight and keep audiences moving. More details and the full performance schedule for follow soon. More information is here. Sunday, June 5 Michelle LeBlanc Trio: The American Songbook 2:30PM - 4PM Featuring Tom Kohl on piano and Bill Crow on bass. This free concert is open to the public. Ann Marie Parish, Event Coordinator for the Plaza has attended our concerts at Arts on the Lake in Kent NY and loves our sound We were glad to get her call, inviting us to perform for Plaza residents and the public. We will set up on their lovely patio overlooking the grounds. If rain is forecasted, we'll move inside. Join us for a lovely afternoon. The Plaza at Clover Lake, 838 Fair Street, Carmel NY 10512 Call 845-878-4111 for more information. Tuesday, June 7 Distinguished Environmental Achievement Award Ceremony 5:30PM - 8 PM - Mohonk Consultations, Inc Presents Laura Heady with its Distinguished Environmental Achievement Award As the 2011 winner of Mohonk Consultations' Environmental Award, Laura is a true campaigner for biodiversity in our neck of the woods. She served last year as the keynote speaker at our Forum on Biodiversity. Since 2006, Laura has been Biodiversity Outreach Coordinator for the NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary Program in partnership with Cornell University. She helps municipal and regional partners to integrate biodiversity and habitat protection into conservation plans, smart growth strategies, environmental planning and preservation. Reservations are required for each of our events. Call 845-256-2726 to reserve and/ or to ask for an invitation to the Award Ceremony. If you would like to be placed on our mailing list, please call 845-256-2726 or email mohonkconsultations@hvi.net Location: Mohonk Mountain House Friday, June 10 The Environmental Footprint of Marcellus Shale Gas 7PM - New natural gas extraction technology has led to an increase in the exploration of organic-rich shale in the United States. In New York State, the Marcellus Shale formation has captured the public’s attention. Will gas extraction in the Marcellus Shale be a boon, providing cleaner domestic energy, or a bust, contaminating our air and water resources? Find out answers from Duke University’s Rob Jackson. His research captures the latest science on the impacts of shale-gas extraction and fracking. Location: Cary Institute's auditorium, located at 2801 Sharon Turnpike (Route 44) in Millbrook, New York. Six New One-Act Plays 8PM - Six new one-act plays from Tony Howarth's Playwright's Workshop. At the Cultural Center on Lake Carmel, Route 52 just south of the Route 311 Causeway. Mending Fences by Carol Mark with Karen Hanley and Sean Hopkins. Never Too Many by Carol Mark with Zulie Lozada and Mark Snyder. A Cable Situation by Pat O'Connor with Donna James and Jon Barb. The Reincarnation of Doe Doe by Gabrielle Fox with Sean Hopkins, Jess Erick and Misti Tindiglia. Dirty Laundry by Pat O'Connor with Jason Xay and Shelley Lerea. Late for Her Own Funeral by Pat O'Connor with Marisa Lowe, Rob Rowe, Jason Xay and Jeff Green. The plays are directed by Tony Howarth and Lora Lee Ecobelli. Production Stage Manager: Jeff Green. For further information, contact Barebones300@aol.com. Tickets: $10 General Admission / $8 Member Admission Tannahill Weavers 8:30PM - The legendary Tannahill Weavers, one of Scotland's premier traditional bands, play a diverse repertoire that spans the centuries with fire-driven instrumentals, topical songs, original ballads and lullabies. Their music demonstrates to old and young alike the rich and varied musical heritage of the Celtic people. These versatile musicians consistently garner worldwide accolades for their exuberant performances and outstanding recording efforts that seemingly can't get better ...yet continue to do just that. "An especially eloquent mixture of the old and the new." -New York Times; "Scotland's Tannahill Weavers play acoustic instruments, but the atmosphere at their shows is electric! The quintet is as tight and as versatile as any band in the Celtic music revival. They can summon rock 'n' roll intensity or haunting introspection." -The Boston Globe; "...as close to perfect as it gets in an imperfect world." -Sing Out! At the Towne Crier Cafe - $30 advance/ $35 door Saturday, June 11 7th Annual Family Festival and Sleep Over Under the Stars With over 400 attendees and all campsites filled, last year's event was our most successful ever. Reserve early to make sure you and your family can join the fun this year! Where: The Claudio Marzollo Community Center of Philipstown (aka Philipstown Recreation Center) 107 Glenclyffe Drive, Garrison, NY Good Food: Burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, potato salad, cole slaw, fresh organic green salad (with lettuce from Second Wind CSA), hummus and pita, watermelon, lemonade, iced tea, water. Campout breakfast will include juice, coffee, tea, bagels and spreads, cereals, fruit and yogurt. Good Music: Rollicking bluegrass band NoBrakes . . . and a mish mash of Philipstown's finest campout musicians leading the sing-along at the Sleep Over Under the Stars! Good Fun: Lots of fun outdoor activities including soccer, hula hooping with Judy, a wildlife presentation, and giant bubbles, as well as a raffle with great prizes. Individual Barbecue: $10 ($15 at door) Family Barbecue: $25 ($30 at door) Campout: $50 (Includes festival/BBQ admission and breakfast. Pre-registration is required. Just fill out and send in the form.) To purchase tickets, visit the HHLT office, email info@hhlt.org, or call 845/424-3358. Proceeds from the Family Festival benefit the Garrison and Haldane environmental education programs. Be Part of the Team Meet your neighbors and make new friends when you volunteer. We are looking for people to help with parking, food prep, or the raffle booth. Call us at 845/424-3358 or email info@hhlt.org to let us know your availablity and interests. Aztec Two Step 7:30pm Aztec Two Step comes to Belle Levine! These guys have been mesmerizing audiences for over 40 years and our Gallery is the ultimate intimate setting! Tickets are only $35./30. for members and reservations are requested. At the Putnam Arts Council, Mahopac. Six New One-Act Plays 8PM - Six new one-act plays from Tony Howarth's Playwright's Workshop. Plays by Pat O'Connor, Gabby Fox and Carol Mark, directed by Tony Howarth. At the Cultural Center on Lake Carmel, Route 52 just south of the Route 311 Causeway. See Above for More Information. Saturday, June 18 Clearwater Revival Croton Point Park - Pete Seeger star Drive-By Truckers star Martin Sexton star Indigo Girls, Arlo Guthrie star Josh Ritter star Jorma Kaukonen star Peter Yarrow, John Sebastian star Janis Ian star The Low Anthem, Red Horse (Lucy Kaplansky, John Gorka & Eliza Gilkyson) star The Klezmatics, Toubab Krewe star Justin Townes Earle star Chris, Smither star Joanne Shenandoah, Tom Chapin star Bernice Johnson Reagon star Dan Zanes & Elizabeth Mitchell, James McMurtry | Jay Ungar & Molly Mason | Jeffrey Broussard & The Creole Cowboys, Tao Seeger Band | Toshi Reagon & Big Lovely | Mike & Ruthy | Sarah Lee & Johnny, Bethany & Rufus' Roots Quartet | Clayfoot Strutters | Zlatne Uste | Joe Purdy, The Nields | The Kennedys | Jen Chapin | K.J. Denhert | Zon del Barrio, Vanaver Caravan| Buskin & Batteau | Dave Douglas & Brass Ecstasy, Brooklyn Qawwali Party | Joe D'urso | Joel Plaskett, Arm-of-the-Sea Theater star The Power of Song star The Rivertown Kids, Mustard's Retreat star Magpie star Roger the Jester star Dog on Fleas, Walkabout Clearwater Chorus star Paul Richmond star The Storycrafters, Rick Nestler star Donna Nestler star Travis Jeffrey star Margo Thunderbird, Marva Clark star Linda Richards star Eshu Bumpus star Dan Einbender, Dirty Stay Out Skifflers star Geoff Kaufman star Sarah Underhill star Peninnah Schram, Kay Olan/Ionataiewas star Mel & Vinnie star Karen Pillsworth star Gregorio Pedroza , Allan Aunapu star Jan Christensen star The New York Packet star Matt Turk star Hope Machine "July Moon" A documentary by Karen Person 7:30PM - A screening & discussion with the Director/Producer/Filmmaker – Karen Person presented by The Schoolhouse and the Putnam Arts Council. Join us as we return to 1969 with Buzz Aldrin as he unfolds the story of Apollo 11 landing on the Moon and provides insight and context to this historic event. The film reflects the space program of that era, its triumphs and tragedies, and documents the culmination of an young, optimistic President’s promise. Film to be screened in the Schoolhouse Theater – 3 Owens Rd., Croton Falls, NY Tickets $10 which includes light refreshments. Reservations recommended – 914.277.8477(Schoolhouse) or 845.803.8622 (PAC). Saturday, June 25 Beacon Riverfest  Following the rousing success of its illustrious debut last year, where attendance was estimated at 2,500 people, Local 845 will present the second annual BEACON RIVERFEST, a free day-long outdoor music festival held in the city’s Riverfront Park, on Saturday, June 25. Five bands will headline on one center stage: 11-piece steampunk mambo band, GATO LOCO; one-name moniker and roots collective, MILTON; JACK GRACE BAND, featuring the Broken Mariachi Horns; Hip Hop-Spoken Word project, READNEX POETRY SQUAD; and THE TAO SEEGER BAND. BEACON RIVERFEST is free and open to the public. Rain location is University Settlement. BEACON RIVERFEST is growing in its second year with new stuff: ART GUITARS In May, lookout for “Beacon Riverfest Art Guitars,” a citywide public display of more than 40 wood guitars each painted by a different local artist. On June 18, beginning at 6PM, a week before Beacon Riverfest (June 25), the guitars will be on auction at the Marion Royael Gallery, 460 Main Street in Beacon. Proceeds from the auction will be split evenly between the artists and Beacon Riverfest. ROCK BAND BOOT CAMP In partnership with Beacon's Department of Recreation, Local 845 offers "Rock Band Boot Camp," a fun and inspiring workshop where students learn how to work together and play as a rock band. Sessions are offered to teens and adults year round. Playing in Local 845's Boot Camp energizes and inspires students of all ages. The Spring 2011 session for teens (April 27-June 15) will culminate in a live performance at Beacon Riverfest, where students will share center stage with headlining acts. Local 845 presents a rich variety of original rock, folk, jazz and contemporary musical artists year-round at a variety of hospitable venues, including Beacon's historical Howland Cultural Center and more non-traditional locales such as Open Space Gallery, University Settlement Camp and Spire Studios. In addition to launching Beacon Riverfest in 2010, Local 845 also produced "Pete Seeger If I Had A Hammer: Concert For a House," a benefit for Habitat for Humanity presented at Washington's Headquarters in Newburgh, New York. In August 2011, Local 845 will present "Scenic Hudson's Long Dock Park Summer Concert Series," four weekly free concerts in Beacon's newly renovated Long Dock Park, and its "In The Pines" concerts will expand this year to become a spring and summer series at Beacon's University Settlement Camp. Sloan Wainwright Band 8:30PM - Folk-pop artist Sloan Wainwright belongs to a musical dynasty of impossibly gifted singer-songwriters. Her family tree (brother and folk-music luminary Loudon Wainwright, sister-in-law Kate McGarrigle, nephew Rufus Wainwright, nieces Martha Wainwright and Lucy Wainwright Roche) reads like a who's who of contemporary folk music. Sloan's incredible gift is not only her unique songwriting ability but her dramatically voiced rendition of her original songs. "She's folk-influenced, obviously (you can't grow up in the First Family of Folk and not be, one imagines), but the real star here is her voice. Warm and smoky and smooth, it makes her earthy, ominous lyrics seem all the more intense." Defying standard categorization, singer/songwriter Sloan Wainwright consistently demonstrates her easy command of a variety of American musical styles --pop, folk, jazz and blues-- held together by the melodious tone of her rich contralto. The end result, a un! ique and soulful hybrid. "A lot of singer-songwriters are whitebread. Sloan is whole grain." -WFMT Radio, Rich Warren; "...Sloan Wainwright, whose regal voice could fell a redwood." -The Boston Globe; "...earth mother voice that she pours into unexpectedly sensitive blends of folk, jazz, blues and funk." -The New York Times $25 advance/ $30 door At the Towne Crier Cafe July Thursday, July 7 Wappinger Creek Walk 5PM - In celebration of Creek Week and Dutchess County Watershed Awareness Month the Cary Institute and Cornell Cooperative Extension will host an interpretive hike along the Wappinger Creek Trail. This family friendly event will engage children and adults in hands-on activities. Participants will sample macro-invertebrates and learn about water quality issues. Wear sturdy waterproof shoes and bring your camera and drinking water. To RSVP please visit http://carywappingercreekwalk.eventbrite.com/?ref=ebtn. Location: Cary East (Gifford House) parking area, located at 2917 Sharon Turnpike (Rte. 44) in Millbrook, N.Y. Saturday, July 9 Long Dock Park Celebration 1PM - 6PM - Help us celebrate the opening of this new and improved Hudson Riverfront park in high style. Take to the water on a free kayak paddle, try out a new bike on the Klara Sauer Trail, join a guided tour of exciting park features, including Scenic Hudson’s River Center, our new venue for arts and environmental activities. If that’s not enough, you can test your mettle at hula-hooping and enjoy a great lineup of live performers—all while admiring magnificent Hudson River vistas. LIVE PERFORMANCES by: Arm-of-the-Sea Theater Uncle Rock We Must Be The Big Takeover Event Location: Long Dock Rd. Beacon, NY 12508 - On the river side of the Beacon Train Station. Friday, July 15 Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming 7PM - Climatologist Dr. Michael Mann will review the evidence for human influence on the climate, including measurements available for the past two centuries and paleoclimate observations spanning more than a millennium. He will also address how climate change will influence the world we live in, from sea level rise and severe weather to changes in the water supply. His lecture will conclude with a frank discussion about possible solutions to the climate change. A key contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, Dr. Mann is author of more than 130 peer-reviewed and edited publications, and recently co-authored the book “Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming” with colleague Lee Kump. He is also a co-founder and avid contributor to the award-winning science website www.realclimate.org. Location: Cary Institute's auditorium, located at 2801 Sharon Turnpike (Route 44) in Millbrook, New York. July 21 - 24 Gathering of the Vibes Seaside Park, Bridgeport, CT - Gathering of the Vibes, the Northeast’s acclaimed music festival destination, will “bring the magic” once again with a 4-day extravaganza of eclectic music, arts and community, July 21-24, 2011 at Connecticut’s magnificent Seaside Park. The rumor mill is swirling with artist announcements around the corner. Gathering of the Vibes promises its most spectacular and diverse lineup to date, delivering over 40 hours of music on multiple stages. Powerhouse Vibes alumni include: The Allman Brothers, Crosby Stills & Nash, Furthur with Phil Lesh & Bob Weir, James Brown, The Black Crowes, and Damian Marley and Nas, alongside breakout acts like Umphrey’s McGee, Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings, Jackie Greene, and tri-state favorites The McLovins. The Vibes also warmly embraces new, virtually unknown artists, who may submit music for consideration through sonic bids. | |