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The Earth is being eaten by machines. Not my problem! Taking Speed can rearrange your genes. Not my problem! I've become a humble bum, a drop-out from Humanity. You may think my morals stink, but at least I keep my sanity. I'd like to see us all become like saints, but since that cannot be, Then it's simply not my problem! - Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt in "Celebration" “The conscientious person has two great things to fear: Chaos and Order.” - Andrew Campbell Good Monday Morning, Tonight is the annual Geminid meteor shower but with a twist. Scientists say that this year the earth will pass directly through the stream of space dust calved off asteroid 3200 Phaethon the reported source. What's interesting is that most meteor showers are the dust of comets while this one is the dust of an asteroid. The problem is that they cannot account for all this dust coming off that asteroid and so the actual source of the Geminids remains a mystery. What's not mysterious is that observers under dark skies can expect to see upwards of 100-120 meteor per hour between midnight tonight and sunrise tomorrow morning. In the early morning of December 21st, at 1:33AM, in fact, North America begins it's descent into darkness as the light of the moon is blocked by the earth's shadow in what will be a rare total eclipse of the moon, at least for our region. Totality, that point where the moon is completely blocked will be at 3:17AM. See this for more information. An alert reader in Lake Carmel noted a spill of what appeared to be white latex paint into Lake Carmel yesterday. Police were called. The spill apparently came from a storm drain and while we can safely surmise that storm drains do not generally produce white paint on their own it leaves us to guess that some miscreant poured it in there as a means of disposal. There's always one in every crowd. Luckily, latex paint dissolves rather safely in water but the event underscores the need for additional education. Where else do you get analysis of news and events like you do at News That Matters? Help support NtM and keep this coming at you three-times each week all year long! Click here to help! Wikileaks - Straightening out the Confusion (and misinformation) Many Europeans Find U.S. Attacks on WikiLeaks PuzzlingIf you go to the website for Stormfront or The Knights Party, two overtly white supremacist organizations, and care to make a donation, you click on the link and it brings you to Paypal. If you want to make a donation to Wikileaks PayPal won't take your money. Reported in the global press last week this little conundrum seems to have missed the US media almost entirely. Does that mean that the media in America assigns an OKAY! to the KKK but not to open government?Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman has claimed that Julian Assange should be prosecuted for the release of some 251,000 diplomatic cables. Sarah Palin has said Wikileaks is "unAmerican". Other talking heads in the US media have called for his assassination. What they don't want you to know is that there are not 251,000 cables floating around out there but just a little over one thousand have been released to date. And - here's the kicker - Wikileaks is only releasing cables that the UK Guardian and/or the NY Times have already released. In the United States, media organizations are legally shielded in the release of such documents, a situation that came about due to the release of the "Pentagon Papers" so it's not exactly clear under what law a US court or Senator Lieberman or Ms Palin would prosecute. But all this noise! These calls for physical violence and death for a man over.... what? Really now. With only a handful of cables available for anyone to actually read, on what sort of evidence has the Government of the United States and its agencies declared this is the end of the world as we know it?WikiLeaks may make the powerful howl, but we are learning the truth WikiLeaks has offered us glimpses of how the world works. And in most cases nothing but good can come of itJulian and the charges Rape is a scary sounding charge. Rape is something most nations and cultures in the world take rather seriously but it's also a word that has many different legal definitions attached to it. But police (and the media who parrot them) use the term primarily for one purpose and one purpose only: to condemn someone before trial and demonize their character to make the authorities look good. The charges levied against Mr. Assange last summer by two women in Sweden (one connected, conveniently, with the CIA), were dropped and then revived just last week. And for the record, both women had previously had sex with Mr. Assange without crying foul. So, why now? Why have these charges resurfaced? Interestingly enough, Sweden has a very strong extradition treaty with the United States. Need I say more? But let's assume, just for the moment, that in some strange diplomatic intrigue Mr. Assange is brought to the United States. This may give us a real opportunity to see how the USA PATRIOT Act works. Mr. Assange has broken no US Laws but if he is extradited here he will most likely be held in a federal institution and under the guise of PATRIOT we can hold him for as long as we like without pressing charges and he can remain in prison indefinitely without access to legal counsel, if we should chose. In fact, PATRIOT is so convoluted that we can pass a law once he's here and then prosecute him for breaking that law even though it did not exist previously.If you're following the releases, here is a current list of mirrors that are carrying them. "Grammar is important! Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse." - Found on Facebook Scottish Shortbread You've been invited to the neighbors' for a holiday party and it's later this evening and you're empty handed but they asked everyone to bring "something". So what to do? In a pinch you can wow them with a little sweetness. You'll need: 1 1/4 sticks of softened butter 1/4 cup powdered sugar 1 1/2 tablespoon of regular sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt (important) Whip that mess up together while you're heating the oven to 300 degrees. Then, slowly add 1/3 cup sifted corn starch and 1 1/4 cups of sifted all purpose flour and mix well. Flour your hands and knead the dough until it's like silly putty. If it's too dry add a few drops of water but be careful to not let it get too wet. Once you're happy with it press it evenly into a baking pan and pierce it nicely with a fork all over. Set this in the oven for about 45 minutes and when you take it out lightly score it with a knife to get it ready for bite-sized pieces. Let cool. Once cool you'll find the scores you made earlier allow the shortbread to break nicely into those bite-sized pieces. Now you're not empty handed and the whole thing took an hour - 15 minutes in preparation, 45 minutes while you got dressed and 15 more to cool while you were getting your wife ready - she's always late for these things. Where else do you get analysis of news and events like you do at News That Matters? Help support NtM and keep this coming at you three-times each week all year long! Click here to help! And now, The News:
Fox boss caught slanting news reportingDecember 09, 2010 7:31 am ET by Ben DimieroAt the height of the health care reform debate last fall, Bill Sammon, Fox News' controversial Washington managing editor, sent a memo directing his network's journalists not to use the phrase "public option." Instead, Sammon wrote, Fox's reporters should use "government option" and similar phrases -- wording that a top Republican pollster had recommended in order to turn public opinion against the Democrats' reform efforts. Journalists on the network's flagship news program, Special Report with Bret Baier, appear to have followed Sammon's directive in reporting on health care reform that evening. Sources familiar with the situation in Fox's Washington bureau have told Media Matters that Sammon uses his position as managing editor to "slant" Fox's supposedly neutral news coverage to the right. Sammon's "government option" email is the clearest evidence yet that Sammon is aggressively pushing Fox's reporting to the right -- in this case by issuing written orders to his staff. As far back as March 2009, Fox personalities had sporadically referred to the "government option." Read More Riverfront communities talk ‘smart growth’ and sharing servicesMidhudsonnews.comFISHKILL – To increase the effectiveness of implementing New York’s new smart growth legislation, representatives of riverfront municipalities along the Hudson gathered Wednesday in Fishkill to learn more about smart growth and discuss means of inter-governmental collaboration. Through both working and informative sessions at the day-long conference, organized by Historic Hudson River Towns, representatives were able to share their specific concerns for their individual communities and their role in the state’s new Smart Growth Plan. According to the New York State Director of Smart Growth Planning Paul Beyer, the Smart Growth Act is aimed at moving towards regional cooperation when it comes to planning projects being funded by the state. Read More America's Park Preserves (And we're talking parking lots here). The US parking infrastructure is vast and little is known about its scale and environmental impacts. The few parking space inventories that exist are typically regionalized and no known environmental assessment has been performed to determine the energy and emissions from providing this infrastructure. A better understanding of the scale of US parking is necessary to properly value the total costs of automobile travel. Energy and emissions from constructing and maintaining the parking infrastructure should be considered when assessing the total human health and environmental impacts of vehicle travel. We develop five parking space inventory scenarios and from these estimate the range of infrastructure provided in the US to be between 105 million and 2 billion spaces. |
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