Internet quote of the week: "Stop the feminization of marriage by rejecting Same-Sex Marriage." - Jordan Jenke Putnam Freecycle ad of the week: "I have 5 rubber duckies, 3 with sunglasses, 1 pirate, and 1 glow in the dark devil duck. Plus a beanie baby ducky. Please reply only if you are willing to take them all."
Good Friday Morning, Would someone please tell me why it's getting dark at 7:30PM? Who's responsible for that? If anyone is looking for a tidy two-bedroom house to rent in Lake Carmel, with a freshly painted private deck on a quiet road, give Bob Bradley at Holly Real Estate a call - 845.225.8000 - and tell him I sent you. According to an article the Daily Kos, Nan Hayworth, the darling of the health insurance industry, and Congressman John Hall are at it again. Apparently there have been some questions regarding her collecting of petition signatures and her campaign manager, John Hicks, is schedule to appear in court on September 25th to answer charges. This is like deja vu all over again. My little cousin is now single after an 8 year relationship. Did she call to tell me? No. But I learned about it on Facebook. You'd be surprised at just how much of my family's life is played out on those pages. For example, my sister "likes" Rush Limbaugh. Ugh. But then we have this: (not family related)
After a long hiatus, we've opened a new poll at the News That Matters website. The question, If the election were held today, who would be your choice for Putnam County Executive? You'll find the poll in the right-hand column just underneath our Shrine to Sarah Palin. (votes cast from the Netherlands will not be counted. Okay?)
The article here is a reprint from last week since we need to get you organized and active: Beacon, NY. No Pinball here. Remember Pinball? Well, it’s illegal in Beacon and that is causing problems (video) for Fred Bobrow, operator of the “Retro Arcade Museum” which sits on Main Street and features pinball games from as early as 1954 up until 1980. For as little as $10 you can play any machine in the place for an hour and for $25 you can play all day. You can even hold private parties at the museum for up to 40 people. Well, you used to. It’s closed now under order of the City of Beacon and for the past two months the city council has been debating the issue. While two months is nothing in government time when you’re trying to run a business two months is death. Read more about the museum here, here, here and here. Then write/call/smoke signal the city of Beacon and ask them just what the heck they’re doing over there. Write Mayor Steve Gold or call him at (845) 838-5010 and tell him I sent you. Don’t wait. Do it today. If you're looking for a movie to rent this weekend let me suggest, "Me And You And Everyone We Know" by Miranda July. It's not for everyone but it is one of the sweetest and most touching films you'll see in a long time. Andrew: Dude, did you just give her the family discount? Richard: Yeah. She's my neighbor, and I'm trying to work on my karma. Do you know what karma means? Andrew: Yeah. Richard: It means that she owes me one. Things To Do: Tonight: Lake Carmel Fire Department Parade 7PM - Along Route 311 to Route 52 then north to the new Firehouse. Traffic should be a nightmare so come early, carpool, bicycle or walk. Swamp Gumbo 7PM - When you combine New Orleans funk, Cajun fun and New York City Bayou music, you get spicy SWAMP GUMBO. Jon Cobert, Kati Mac, Tim Ouimette and a collection of talented friends will bring the Summer Concert Series to an extraordinary close this Friday starting at 7 pm at the Lake Carmel Cultural Center, 640 Route 52, Kent, NY. Tickets ($10 or $7.50 with member discount) are available in advance or at the door. And, if you mention News That Matters you can get in at the member's discount price! If good weather prevails, bring a chair or blanket for the lawn. Food, drinks and ice cream are available at 6:30. There is no charge for children with an adult. NOTE: there may be detours on Routes 311 and 52 this Friday as the Lake Carmel Fire Department celebrates its 65 years with a parade. Coming into the Center a few minutes early from the south may be the best solution. The Concert will proceed rain or shine because of our outdoor/indoor facility. Saturday: Stony Kill Farm Hosts Butterfly Festival 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM . Environmental Education Center celebrates their annual Butterfly Festival. Butterflies, caterpillars and chrysalises will be the focal point at this free public event, during which a screen tent will temporarily house live butterflies for the day. Families can take turns entering the tent to get close to monarchs, eastern tiger swallowtails, spicebush swallowtails and great spangled fritillaries. The butterflies will be released during a ceremony at the closing of the event. Other activities throughout the day include butterfly crafts, nature games and learning about insects, thanks to AmeriCorps members of the Student Conservation Association. Visitors are invited to explore the paths of Stony Kill’s perennial garden to view more butterflies. Volunteers who maintain the gardens will be on hand to share information about gardening for butterflies and other wildlife. For more information, please call 845-831-8780, ext 300. Visit for a listing of scheduled programs and activities at Stony Kill. Location: Stony Kill Farm, 79 Farmstead Lane, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590. Folksongs of the Catskills: The Spirit of Camp Woodland 2PM - Former campers will present the history and music of the camp. With Pat Lamanna and Sue Rosenberg. Woodstock Historical Society, Eames House, 20 Comeau Drive, Woodstock. 845-452-4013; Free. Camp Woodland, 1939-1962, was located in Woodland Valley outside of Phoenicia, New York —about 20 miles from Woodstock. Camp Woodland evolved out of the New Deal programs that provided work for artists and was shaped by the progressive movement in education. A folk music incubator, Camp Woodland “honored the past, understood the importance of old traditions and cultures and the need to preserve and learn from them.” From the beginning, the camp set out to collect the folk songs, lore, and history of the Catskill Mountains. Wild Orange/Goat Feed 8PM - Wild Orange: On a tropical island in the late 1700s, a sea captain and a female Caribbean warrior spar over love, war and revolution. By Parul Uhry Newman and starring, Steve Andersen and Teresa Nash. Goat Feed: On the day of independence in South Africa, a goat farmer and his longtime worker fight over land rights. By Samuel Harps and starring, Forest Hamilton, Donna James, Ron Schnitter, Emily Schnitter and Marie Hannye-Scurato. At the Shades Repertory Theater at the Haverstraw Youth Theater, 64 New Main Street at Hudson Avenue in Haverstraw Village. Suggest donation $15. Write to or call 845.675.8044 Sunday: Beacon Sloop Club's Corn Festival Noon - 5PM. Fresh, ready to eat local-grown Hudson Valley sweet corn on the cob for just a Buck-an-Ear. Live music featuring Spook Handy, Pete Seeger, Sarah Underhill, Gretchen Witt, Melissa Ortquist & Karen Brooks & others. The sloop Woody Guthrie will be taking guests for free sails. Beacon Sloop Club. At the Beacon Waterfront. Info: (845) 255-6436, 845) 463-4660 Free Admission. Rock Concert 6PM - Bands Near and Far at the Lake Carmel Cultural Center. Adam Antezzo, Bethany Cole, producers. Bands: 2 for 30, Taste of Fate, Wetsuits and SnorkelMasks, Kid Jerusalem, Adam and the Animals. Tickets: $5.00 – $8.00 Into the Future: Tuesday, August 17 Pre-Primary Candidate's Forum 7PM at the Mahopac Library. Presented by Concerned Residents of Carmel & Mahopac. Candidates whose names will be on the Primary ballot within the Town of Carmel have been invited to participate on the panel. The moderator will be Joe Montuori, who so ably moderated several of CRCM's previous forums. Candidates not on the ballot for the primary will be allowed one minute each to introduce themselves. Wednesday, August 18 Science Cafe - Parasites 7PM - Topic: What's eating you? People and Parasites. Presenter: Eugene Kaplan, Ph.D., Axinn Distinguished Professor of Conservation and Ecology, Hofstra University. A Science Cafe is a monthly gathering in a Cafe, Pub or Restaurant, open to the public, with a short presentation of a topic followed by discussion. The essence of a Science Cafe is informality, with groups seated around tables with food and drink to encourage conversation. Hudson Valley Science Café usually meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month, except where noted. Website: Meeting site: Diana's, 1015 Little Britain Road (Route 207), New Windsor (just east of Stewart Newburgh Airport, on the opposite side of the road from the airport entrance). See for menus and map. $3.00 admission fee includes coffee or tea. If you arrive at 6 PM, you can order from the Early Bird menu. No orders are taken during the Presentation (7:00-7:30). Friday, August 20 Love in Translation A one-act play written by the students in Lora Lee Ecobelli's acting class at Arts on the Lake in Kent. With Jon Barb, Laura Bellizzi, Suzanne Bohmer, Kathie Freston, Nadia Laffan, Alicia Morgan and Zulie Losada. Suggested donation is $5. Performances will be on Friday, August 20 and Saturday, August 21 at 8PM and on Sunday August 22 at 3PM. This play is a project of the Blue Horse Repertory Company Student Workshop and, as far as this editor knows, no union actors were harmed in its production. Saturday, August 21 Daniel Nimham Inter-tribal Pow Wow 11AM - 6PM Today and Tomorrow, Sunday, August 22. Putnam County Park, Gipsy Trail Road, Kent Lakes, NY. Parking and admission, Free. Native crafters from all over the country. Native Foods. Story Tellers. Camping Available for Dancers. Tee Pee Display. Local Native History. Tour the Frank Lloyd Wright Home Join the Putnam Arts Council for an exclusive tour of the stunning Frank Lloyd Wright home on Petra Island on Lake Mahopac on Saturday, August 21, made possible through the generosity of owners Joseph & Barbara Massaro. Limited to 40 participants (2 groups of 20), tickets @$60 for members/ @$65 general are a must and include transportation out to the island. All proceeds benefit the programs of the Putnam Arts Council. Tours begin at 11am. Reserve a spot today @ 845.803.8622 or email to Saturday, August 28 Gallery Talk at Dia:Beacon: Tobi Maier on Imi Knoebel 1pm. Tobi Maier is the curator at Ludlow 38, the downtown satellite space for contemporary art of Goethe-Institut on New York's Lower East Side. He was previously curator at the Frankfurter Kunstverein and also collaborated on Manifesta 7 (Rovereto, Italy) as curatorial adviser (2006-2008), and was curatorial intern at the 27th Biennial of Sao Paulo (2006). He holds an MA in Curating Contemporary Art from the Royal College of Art in London. At Dia:Beacon, Riggio Galleries, 3 Beekman Street, Beacon, NY 12508. Call 845 440 0100 or visit Friday, September 10 Michelle LeBlanc 7:30PM - 10:30PM - At the DIvision Street Grill, 26 North Division Street, Peekskill. 914.739.6380. Featuring Pianist Tom Kohl. Join us for an evening in Michelle's favorite small city at the jazz club that sparked the Peekskill jazz renaissance. Sunday, September 12 Ride to Remember Jeff Coursen 11AM - Motorcycle Ride. 1PM - Picnic at the Pawling Fire Department (South Street in Pawling, just north of route 55) A 100 mile motorcycle ride and picnic to remember Jeff Coursen’s dual passions: Motorcycles and helping alcoholics and addicts overcome addiction. Everyone’s Welcome! The Event and Picnic are sponsored by Jeff Coursen’s family and friends. Your tax deductible donations will benefit St. Christopher’s Inn, a treatment facility that has been providing hope and compassionate care to alcoholics and addicts for 100 years. For more information and to register contact: Ed and Mary Mahaffey at The Annex Florist Pawling, 28 Charles Colman Blvd, Pawling NY 12564 845.855.9612 or email: | |