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Friday, June 24, 2011 "The New York State Vegetable is the Senator from the 40th district." - Me. Good Friday Evening, Well, it's done. The NY State Senate voted 33-29 to allow full civil rights for gays and lesbians, a tally which includes Republican senators, Saland, Grisanti, McDonald, and Alesi. The biggest surprise was Senator Saland as he was a NO vote up until the time he stood before the Senate and passionately explained the religious exemptions in the bill. New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine make up a swath of states where same sex marriage or full civil unions are allowed. California used to until the Mormons got involved, secret underwear and all. This month, civil unions go into effect in Illinois and little Iowa sits alone as a shining light amid a sea of intolerance. On the other hand, you have Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Virginia and Florida, a list of states prominently displayed right next to the Ten Commandments at the National Organization for Marriage's headquarters, just don't the block from the KKK bookstore. In New York State's battle for Marriage Equality it was obvious to everyone involved, save Human Rights Campaign, (though I told them. I warned them! Didn't I? David? Admit it!), that the Senator Who Shall Not Be Named, (who is now known as "Senator Twitter" for painfully obvious reasons,) was going to fall on the wrong side of history. This is a guy who left the Air Force mysteriously and early. Why? Don't ask... Okay, I won't tell but, neither will he. You'd think if he could serve under a gay men in the Air Force (or at least stand ooooohhhhh so close to one in the showers) he might one day want to marry one? Or allow someone else to do so? During his sullied run for Congress he was all about ending DADT. Why? Don't ask... Okay, I won't tell but, neither will he. We all knew he'd be a NO vote for civil rights but we also knew he had to play the national stage in order to make believe he gave a darn about something other than his ego. And he's proven, once again, that his ego rules. Here's what this this goat-schtupper had to say, officially, with translation provided for those not in tune with Senator Twitter: “Knowing that marriage equality was likely to pass, I thought it important to force the issue of religious protections." Wow. Did he read the bill? They were in there, for special, specific cases and this evening, Senator Saland took his time, carefully explaining what they were and how they worked and how they were protected should a court challenge arise. But I guess that doesn't matter to our Air Force shower-buddy. Maybe he'd dropped the soap while Saland was speaking and had other things on his mind."Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the distinct opportunity of listening to literally thousands of residents, on both sides of this issue, by holding an undecided stance." Undecided? He kept saying over and again he was against the bill... That's not undecided. That's just weird."I thought it was important to listen to all of my constituents and hold an undecided position until the actual bill language was written and everyone’s voice had been heard. Now that the final text is public, I am proud that I have secured some strong protections for religious institutions and basic protections for religious organizations." BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT! BULLSHIT ALERT!"The bill still lacks many of the basic religious protections I thought were vital, and for this reason, and as I did in the Assembly, I will be voting ‘no.’” In other words, Senator Twitter is a lying sack of goat shit. Nothing new there, but now it's really out there in the open.Keep in mind that the Senator's political sidekick, MaryEllen Odell, will be bringing this Twitterhead directly into her constituent's bedrooms once she's had her Coronation as the County Executive of the Senator's home county come November. And while we don't know exactly how this will play out, his power over her could direct Putnam County, New York to become a center for the Senator's brand of neo-homophobia and bigotry. I'll let the residents of that fair county decide among themselves if that's who they really want representing them. Anyway, a hearty Mazel Tov to my peeps in the Empire State. You made history tonight and you should be proud. JmG | |
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Friday, June 24, 2011
No Country For Sane Men - The Yay! New York Edition
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
No Country For Sane Men - Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - Crunchy (Vegan Organic) Granola on the River
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"People get upset with my sharp wit, acerbic, yet lucid tongue and my not-all-that-bad grammar yet they still read my stuff. I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!" Good Wednesday Morning, There's more than 2700 words in this edition so make yourself comfortable. If you haven't yet subscribed to No Country For Sane Men you should. Just click on the "Subscribe by Email" or "RSS Feed" buttons up there in the masthead. "Twitter" us. "Like" us on Facebook. Get active. Do something. Become part of the solution. ExpositionFor reasons not fit for this column I was volunteered for the Clearwater Revival, an annual and rather fine crunchy-granola music festival held alongside New York's fabled Hudson River to raise money for Pete Seeger's 19th century Dutch sloop, Clearwater and its education programs.It's not the first time I've volunteered at this festival, having done so for several years in the past, but I found it wanting in the sense that nothing much changed from year to year. This, as guests to the festival and repeat volunteers tell me, is its charm. Tech crews, road crews and performers will tell you that Clearwater is a "nice" festival, that it has a good vibe, and they would know. But for me it was always the same. Nice, sure. But just, ya know, there. Upon arriving early Friday morning I set my tent in the same place I always had, and walking through the festival grounds as setting up was going on I saw many faces previously seen. But this year I was assigned to the sound crew at the smaller of the two main stages, the Hudson Stage, which sets itself directly along the river and that made all the difference. I'm not a newbie at this kind of stage/music thing and being part of putting the actual show together was clearly more my ken than the advocacy work I'd done there in the past. This was hard work, there's no doubt about that, as we hauled tons of equipment. We were up at 7 in the morning and up late at night. And helping "Ace" set up the drum kit was a learning experience like no other. But standing in the campground 3/4 of a mile away and hearing the show as clear as day, you know you did your job and you know you did it well. But before we get to the free-range, organic meat of this story, some impressions:
The Plot Moves Forward There's an old saw about this festival: If It's Clearwater It's Going To Rain and quite miraculously it did not rain during the festival. In fact the weather was damned near perfect. | |
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011
News That Matters - Wednesday, June 15, 2011 - The Miracles Can Happen Edition
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Good Wednesday Morning, Three things are going to happen to day: 1) You're each going to call The Senator Who Shall Not Be Named's office today and tell him that you expect he will vote YES on the Marriage Equality bill Governor Cuomo has placed before the State Senate. His number at the Brewster office is: 845 279-3773 As of this morning, and after complaining to news media that if he votes in favor his father will never speak to him again, the SWSNBN is still a little loose. In a NY Post article this morning he said, "I'm glad that we have some religious carve-outs and protections in it," Ball said. "I'm going to reach out and see how comfortable the Catholic Church and other religious organizations are with the current language." He has to check with the church to see if it approves civil rights for the rest of us? Would he have asked the church if it was okay for blacks to ride in the front of the bus or stay at a hotel? Would he have checked with the church for their approval to give women the vote? And just who is he serving, us or the church? Well, let's make a miracle happen so I can give this dude his name back. Call his office this morning! 845-279-3773 If you want to read the bill it's here. 2) After ignoring bad advice from a local business group I have sent the New York State Insurance Fund more than half my rent for the month of July in order to begin Workman's Compensation coverage. The amount sent comes to less than 1/4 of the total payment these bastards want to cover a single kid who might earn a couple thousand dollars over the course of the summer. Then, for the next nine months I'll be billed around $200 a month in order to meet their price - whether we're working or not. And if cannot pay because the work dries up... You don't want to know what hell befalls someone trying to do the right thing! It's no wonder contractors all over the country pay cash and hide their income. Republicans in Congress (and in New York State) insist on giving tax breaks to the wealthy on the assumption that they will create jobs even though we know they'll take that extra money and place it into tax deferred accounts making the rest of us ante up to pay what they would have into the system. But here's a guy who actually wants to create jobs and it's so expensively prohibitive that I'm forced to bill too much to gain more work, putting me at a competitive disadvantage, and I can only (maybe) afford to hire one person instead of the two or three I'd like to put to work. This is how we're putting the economy back on track by prohibiting job growth? The solution is not better enforcement of the law as that simply drives prices for consumer services higher. The solution is for government to offer me and other guys like me the financial assistance we need to grow the economy. But we know that's not going to happen because they're not interested in creating jobs as much as they're interested in transferring wealth from you to their buddies in the insurance industry. If I were EXXON or ConAgra or even IBM I could get a huge bag of free money even though I don't need it. But for the blue collar guys and the small businessman who actually want to create jobs? What the fuck is in it for us? Nothing. Bupkis. Thanks Albany! Thanks Washington! Thanks Sandy! Thanks TSWSNBN. Thanks Nan! For nothing! (And I especially want to thank Tony Hay, several members of the Putnam County Legislature and the Putnam County Department of Consumer Affairs for being the single harshest enemy of Putnam County's business and working men ever devised. Congratulations to you for making the lives of our local businessmen and women a financial and regulatory nightmare and intentionally injuring the local economy. I'm sure you all sleep well at night knowing your neighbors are suffering unnecessary hardships so you can balance the budget without cutting costs.) 3) You're going to click on the following links to sign up for No Country For Sane Men: One Man's Journey Into the Mind of America. As you've already seen it's one hell of a journey! I'm off to the Clearwater Festival for the weekend where Roy V has volunteered me to haul loud speakers around. If you're a volunteer camping over let me know so we can hook up as it's always fun when there's more than one! While most of the music is not of my taste there are a few shows I'll try to see: Josh Ritter, Jorma Kaukonen, Billy Bragg, David Bromberg, The Low Anthem, The Klezmatics and James McMurtry. And let's not forget "Arm of the Sea Theater". On the second tier are: David Amram with Alana, Adira and Adam, Matt Turk, Arlo Guthrie, Buskin & Batteau and Suzanne Vega. Most of the rest are a little too "crunchy granola" for me and haven't moved musically since their time in the sun but you never know! Many said the same of Prairie Home Companion favorite Greg Brown but he's moved so far away from his sing-song roots and into guitar blues that you'd never recognize him now - and he's better than ever. JmG |
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Monday, June 13, 2011
No Country For Sane Me - Monday, June 13, 2011
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"I saw "No Country ..." in my inbox as I was on my way out the door this morning but wanted to wait until I had time to savor." J&BH Good Wednesday Morning, If you haven't yet subscribed to No Country For Sane Men you should. Just click on the "Subscribe by Email" or "RSS Feed" buttons up there in the masthead. "Twitter" us. "Like" us on Facebook. Get active. Do something. Become part of the solution. I must warn you that there is a lot of sex in this issue. America is more sexually repressed than the Vatican and a little mindless (but protected!) sex would do us all some good. Another week has gone by and by the very grace of some deity or other, or just plain luck, we're all still here. But there has been an uptick in weirdness across the American landscape centered mostly on NY Congressman Anthony Weiner's weener, closely followed by Newt Gingrich's lack of one, being politically neutered by the resignation of his campaign staff. On top of all that little Iowa, the state whose egocentricity has made it the epicenter of all thing political on the Presidential level has found itself adrift in a lonely sea of wheat and barley, largely ignored by early presidential contenders and the mass media hysteria that follows such things. Weiner's Weener.So, let's talk about Mr. Weiner's weener for a moment since if I don't I will have missed a golden opportunity to get on this over-crowded bandwagon to hell:First off, that dude is buff! Second, he hangs to the Left as you'd expect from a Democrat. And third, his 'seeking treatment' line is standard political procedure when you're not going to win the argument because the noise is so loud. The only thing he's seeking right now is legal advice.Considering that the nation is tottering on social and economic collapse, that the talking heads and pundits think Weiner's Weener is of import to anyone underscores the vacuousness of the American political and social landscape - at least that brought to us by the mainstream corporate media, specifically FOXNews and the NY Post and TMZ and... and... It also tells me that the folk out there demanding he resign from Congress are keen on the prospect of keeping you occupied with circuses as they screw you while you look the other way. Ouch! Yeah, I'll bet you didn't expect it from both ends at the same time. If you're on the weener story, get some hand cream and leave the rest of us alone. As the World TurnsIn the meantime, over in Pakistan a video-tape surfaced of an unarmed man being shot in a public park by military units who left him there to bleed to death. The Syrian government has killed hundreds, tortured more and is now shelling towns and villages to quell pro-democracy demonstrations while thousands flee into Turkey. In Saudi Arabia women are arrested for driving cars. In Egypt, army officers forced women arrested for demonstrating against government corruption to undergo "virginity tests". Hamas has closed the Rafah border crossing into Egypt, imposed a 25% tariff on automobile imports from Israel and has been stealing medical supplies for private resale to a point where hospitals in Gaza have run out of such basics as rubbing alcohol and Leftists are once again planning another "flotilla" to "break" the non-existent blockade they say Israel maintains on that independent little nation.American industrialists are buying up huge swaths of rain forest in Brazil in order to 'farm' fresh water, the oil of the 21st century. And China has declared the United States already in default. I guess that means no more cheap crap made with toxic materials by slave labor. Damn. What's Wal*Mart and the NASCAR set going to do now? Closer to home, the Federal Reserve office in Richmond, VA is flying a rainbow flag in honor of diversity month and Republicans in that state's house are drekking crucifixes. State Delegate Bob Marshall said, "[Homosexual behavior] undermines the American economy . . . shortens lives, adds significantly to illness, increases health costs, promotes venereal diseases, and worsens the population imbalance relating to the number of workers supporting the beneficiaries of America’s Social Security and Medicare Programs."By his definition, and assuming I lived past 25, my body oozing syphilis and 40 million old people screaming for my head, I should have been tried and shot for treason. Tell me Mr. Marshall doesn't need a vacation on Fire Island. With a GHB drip in his arm. At a BDSM convention. In the Pines. At night. Alone... In South Memphis, TN on June 5, a man brought a gun to a children's birthday party and threatened the host because his kid didn't get any ice cream or cake. And are you ready for this... On August 6th, Texas governor Rick Perry is hosting a day of prayer and fasting sponsored by the American Family Association, a well known racist, homophobic hate group, at Reliant Stadium in Houston. But that's nothing. Get this: The infamous Westboro Baptist Church, an even better known hate group is going to picket the event! Here, this from Dallas Voice: I love this country! It's a laugh-a-minute ride through absurdity. And we're just starting.... This Week's Letter to the Editor:Found in the New York Journal News, a Gannett paper based in White Plains, New York on June 10:Republican virtues will save society Citizens 4 Freedom![]() They don't, for example, support the freedom to marry whom you want. In fact they're encouraging their members to "...call Senator Greg Ball's Office in Brewster [NY] to let him know that we DO NOT SUPPORT 'Marriage Equality' here in New York." What kind of freedom is that? And it's odd, too, that their Facebook page says, "Your country needs you to stand up for her rights and freedoms that are being repeatedly threatened," and here they are doing the very thing they claim to be against. Then they have the chutzpah to quote Geo. Washington, "The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves." and as much as I'd like to be a free man these 'citizens 4 freedom' are telling me that I cannot be. But they're Tea Baggers, as they claim all over their website and Facebook page, which just underscores the rumors. Perhaps the problem is they're so busy tea bagging each other that if they would just remove their balls off their faces they could see just how ridiculous they look, sound and act. They're not fighting for "freedom". What they're fighting for is the freedom to be afraid. Boo! Down in Virginia the "Roanoke Tea Party" group rails against land/open space preservation as an attack on property rights. Never mind that if they get their way they won't have anything to shoot at come hunting season. But careful thought about what we leave our children should not get in the way of in-the-moment hysteria. Besides, they think saving land from development and bio-diversity corridors are part of a secret United Nations plan to take over the United States and institute a one-world government. Well guess again guys, we already have a one-world government and it's called ExxonGeneralMotorsBankofAmerica and it's (not) funny how you like those guys. Out in Idaho the Tea Baggers are up in arms over a proposed international trade zone just south of the Boise, ID airport claiming that the 50 sq miles(!) on which they warn the Chinese will build a "piece of communist China inside the borders of the United States" is going to be a base from which they will export communism. So take a few facts, skew them just a tiny bit and there you have it, a new reality based on... on... I'm speechless. The sad thing is that they're not alone: thousands of Americans have fallen victim to the fear and ignorance that has allowed the tea baggers to spread across the nation like the mindless, rabid reactionaries they are. They suck in the weak and bewildered, the fearful and the meek, and give them an outlet for their phobias, an outlet which serves no one but the corporations who fund them. And when I see the protest sign, "This Country Began as a Tax Revolt" I know how little they understand about how this country came about in the first place. Sure, it was a tax revolt. But it was a tax revolt of the rich and powerful against the richer and more powerful, not of the common citizenry. It was a revolt to allow the industrialists of the day to make even more money off the backs of their workers without having to share their profits with the British government. Perhaps one day they'll awaken from their personal nightmares and come to the realization that what they have brought upon the land is a political blight their grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have to deal with. Perhaps they'll slap their foreheads and say, "Shit! What a mess we've created!" But I don't think so. JmG | |
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Friday, June 10, 2011
News That Matters - Friday, June 10, 2011 - Things To Do Edition
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Good Friday Morning, At noon-thirty yesterday it was 93.7 at News That Matters Central. A line of thunderstorms moved through late yesterday afternoon and several areas are still without power as of this writing (0830). According to the NYSEG website 3,741 customers are without power in Putnam county this morning. By the way, did you know that NYSEG is owned by a Spanish conglomerate, Iberdrola, S.A., that claims to be the largest renewable energy operator in the world? Rumor has it they've set up an Incongruity Collector at the Putnam County Courthouse and is powering county customers off Legislative committee meetings. Like I said, it's just a rumor. Heroism. The Real Deal. More than 500 men, women and children are marching 50 miles through the heart of West Virginia's coal country to bring awareness to strip mining practices that have devastated the environment, local communities and the public health in the Mountain State. After seeing strip mining (also known as mountaintop removal) first hand and its effects, hydrofracking proposed for central new York State is a May Day walk-in-the-park in comparison. Yet hundreds of square miles of West Virginia's mountains have simply ceased to exist in order to feed our incessant need for dirty, coal energy. Where simple conservation could have prevented much of what's going on down there, West Virginia's own congressional delegation is dead set against any restrictions on this horrific practice and instead are insisting on *fewer* restrictions, more government handouts to mining companies and have displayed a total disregard to their own constituents. But the mining companies and their lobbyists fill their campaign coffers and just like our own Nan Hayworth, they, like she, votes with the money. Today, these new marchers walk with images of that battle fresh in their minds. I am sorry I cannot be with them but I send out the very best vibes I can and encourage all of you to do the same. Photo by Cheshire Tongkat Photo by Paul Corbit Brown Photo by Cheshire Tongkat From the Charleston (WV) Daily Telegraph: "This specific march is about not letting them strip mine Blair Mountain, because it is so important to our local history and to national history," Keeney said. "(The coal companies) can mine all of the land under Blair Mountain. Underground mining creates twice as many jobs as surface mining. The biggest thing that those who oppose us are saying is that we are trying to destroy jobs, but the fact of the matter is if they save Blair Mountain and underground mine it, it creates twice as many jobs, so that's a bad argument." Like Lambs to the Slaughter. Maybe. It seems Putnam County's Democrats have finally found a guy to run against MaryEllen Odell making her coronation a little less certain. Rumor has it that Kent resident and Mahopac accountant Alan Schneider will carry the flame for them into November. Scuttlebutt is that MEO's way-too-close close connection with the Senator Who Shall Not Be Named is making many Republicans consider switching party votes this election and actually crossing over to vote on the "D" line. Stranger things have happened! But if last year is any indication MEO won't be reaching out to Democrats, registered blanks or any other party that is either centrist or left-of-center feeling that she doesn't need them to win. That was her undoing last year so perhaps she's learned her lesson? If she repeats her foolish mistake she just might walk away the loser - again. While we're on the subject of the SWSNBN, take a look at the June 8th edition of "No Country For Sane Men", the region's newest on-point (which means, "no bullshit") blogsite for more on him and his current antics. Only From the Mind of GM After driving itself into the ground and out of business in order to increase profits by selling us Humvees, the US Auto Industry led by General Motors CEO Dan Akerson, is now saying that the Feds should implement a $1 per gallon tax increase on gasoline to encourage Americans to buy smaller, fuel efficient cars. But just earlier this year this same dude said that if gasoline went to $4.50 a gallon that people would stop visiting his showrooms. So, what's with this? And while we're talking about gasoline prices have you noticed that they've been coming down? At my local GasMart they're now at $4.03 a gallon, regular. And remember what I wrote a month ago? The prices went up and up and the moment the President signaled the energy industry had gouged us enough and promised "investigations" they quietly came down again. What was all that talk about speculators? Folks, it was greed plain and simple and your government was directly involved in this transfer of wealth from the working classes to the monied classes. Ongoing:
Trail Conference Opens Handicapped-accessible Appalachian Trail Section on Bear Mountain Summit
What's Going On?
This WeekendFriday, June 10Stony Kill Farm Sing-Along5:30PM - 7:30PM - Join musician Chris Ruhe of the Howland Wolves and have fun at an Old Fashioned Family Sing-A-Long at Stony Kill on Friday, June 10, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. across from the Barn. In case of inclement weather, the program will not be held. The Sing-A-Longs will also take place on June 24; July 8; July 22; August 5; and August 19. We look forward to seeing you! The Environmental Footprint of Marcellus Shale Gas7PM - New natural gas extraction technology has led to an increase in the exploration of organic-rich shale in the United States. In New York State, the Marcellus Shale formation has captured the public’s attention. Will gas extraction in the Marcellus Shale be a boon, providing cleaner domestic energy, or a bust, contaminating our air and water resources? Find out answers from Duke University’s Rob Jackson. His research captures the latest science on the impacts of shale-gas extraction and fracking.
Tannahill Weavers8:30PM - The legendary Tannahill Weavers, one of Scotland's premier traditional bands, play a diverse repertoire that spans the centuries with fire-driven instrumentals, topical songs, original ballads and lullabies. Their music demonstrates to old and young alike the rich and varied musical heritage of the Celtic people. These versatile musicians consistently garner worldwide accolades for their exuberant performances and outstanding recording efforts that seemingly can't get better ...yet continue to do just that. "An especially eloquent mixture of the old and the new." -New York Times; "Scotland's Tannahill Weavers play acoustic instruments, but the atmosphere at their shows is electric! The quintet is as tight and as versatile as any band in the Celtic music revival. They can summon rock 'n' roll intensity or haunting introspection." -The Boston Globe; "...as close to perfect as it gets in an imperfect world." -Sing Out! At the Towne Crier Cafe - $30 advance/ $35 door Saturday, June 117th Annual Family Festival and Sleep Over Under the Stars4PM - With over 400 attendees and all campsites filled, last year's event was our most successful ever. Reserve early to make sure you and your family can join the fun this year! Putnam Valley Pig Roast6PM - 9PM Putnam Valley Parks and Rec. will be holding a Mardi Gras and Masquerade with Music event on Saturday at the Town Park from 6-9 P.M. Participation is free. The pig roast is $5. per plate. With music by Le Tchoup. Those who observe Kashrut and Halal need not apply. Aztec Two Step7:30pm Aztec Two Step comes to Belle Levine! These guys have been mesmerizing audiences for over 40 years and our Gallery is the ultimate intimate setting! Tickets are only $35./30. for members and reservations are requested. At the Putnam Arts Council, Mahopac. Six New One-Act Plays8PM - Six new one-act plays from Tony Howarth's Playwright's Workshop. Plays by Pat O'Connor, Gabby Fox and Carol Mark, directed by Tony Howarth. At the Cultural Center on Lake Carmel, Route 52 just south of the Route 311 Causeway. See Above for More Information. Sunday, June 12Fishkill Farms Celebrates New Season10:00am - 6:00pm - Open house festivities include hayrides, barbecue cookout, and samples of Hudson Valley Fresh milk and other local products. Paintings by farmer Josh Morgenthau will be featured in an art show as well. Call 845/897-4377 or email info@fishkillfarms.com for information about the open house, "pick your own" schedule, and other farm happenings. Beacon Sloop Club's Strawberry Festival at Riverfront Park in BeaconNoon - 5:00PM - Available strawberry treats will include sublime strawberry shortcake that is baked on-site, as well as smoothies and hand-dipped chocolate-covered berries. Local vendors will also be on hand with a variety of food and crafts. There will be live music throughout and many educational and environmental booths. And of course the Woody Guthrie, a wooden replica of a gaff-rigged Hudson River ferry sloop, will be on hand for free sails on the Hudson during the festival. On the river side of the Beacon Train Station. Into The FutureFriday, June 17Free Movie and Farmer's Market6PM - Come spend a Friday night (June 17) at the Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park on Gipsy Trail Road in Kent, and enjoy a free movie, picnic area, farm stands and more. There will be animals gentle enough to hold and pet, farm-fresh food to buy and enjoy and lots of information about farming in Putnam County. Saturday, June 18Clearwater Revival |
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